Sock progress (13)

Heel flap! I finished all of the pattern repeats and I'll start on the turn over the weekend, in-between driving a bunch, going to the movies, and applying for jobs. Somehow I'll find some time!

Sock progress (12)

More heel flap progress today! This part went surprisingly quick. There are only a few rows left before it starts getting into the turn. The instructions still don't make total sense in my head but hopefully once I start doing it I'll see how it works.

Sock progress (11)

I finally started on the heel! It's been straightforward so far since I just started on the flap. Still a few days worth of knitting before I have to learn how to pick up stitches. Speaking of learning things, I wanted to thank my friend Stargrace for helping me realize how simple it is to... Continue Reading →

Sock progress (10)

I had such high hopes for progress over the holiday. Instead I spent most of my time with friends and family, or being stuck in the car. Overall it was a good time but not so good for knitting. Today I finally finished up the leg and am ready to start on the heel. I... Continue Reading →

Sock progress (9)

I've only got about one pattern repeat left before starting on the heel! I'll be traveling this weekend so you'll have to wait to hear about my progress until after the holiday. Everyone keeps telling me it's not nearly as hard as it looks, here's hoping they're right!

Sock progress (8)

A few more rows of sock progress tonight. I took a close-up photo this time so you can see the texture. I know I've said it before, but I really like the way this pattern is turning out so far.

Sock progress (7)

I made a bunch of progress over the weekend, and a little more tonight too. I was hoping to get to the heel but I still have a few rows to go. I've been comparing it to a store-bought sock I really like to try to estimate the size so I don't have to keep... Continue Reading →

Sock progress (6)

After working on crochet and knitting last night I'm back to just knitting tonight. I thought I might switch over to working on the snood for a while but the socks are so addictive!

Snood progress (3)

I can't believe that the last time I worked on this was in January. It's been sitting in my closet this whole time just waiting for me. I had forgotten how soft it is. This is a nice break from knitting for a few days, and an easy mindless pattern so that I can watch... Continue Reading →

Sock progress (5)

I worked on my sock while watching Gentleman Jack tonight. HBO knows just how to get to me (put a handsome smart lady in a top hat). I can tell I'm getting better with my knitting because I can actually look up at the TV some while I am working. Someday I'd like to be... Continue Reading →

Sock progress (4)

On days when I only get a row or two of knitting done I almost feel like I am letting you down, dear readers. I'm enjoying the process of knitting this sock so far but it's not very satisfying to post pretty pictures when you can barely see the progress I've made from day to... Continue Reading →

Sock progress (3)

I got a bunch of work done on this sock over the weekend. This pattern is really enjoyable, it's just complicated enough to be interesting without being painful. I hope I can keep up this pace, soon I'll have to figure out how the heck to make the heel.

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