Back from the beach

I'm back from my trip to the beach! It wasn't a super long trip but it was exactly what I needed. We mostly tried to avoid crowds and we got a lot of takeout, but it was still the most I've been out in public since the pandemic. I was worried my anxiety would be... Continue Reading →

Vampire Squid Blanket Pattern

I’m an Oceanographer, and although I don’t study squid, I do love them very much. The vampire squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) is one of my favorite sea creatures. Maybe it says something about me, but when I saw people making mermaid tail blankets, my first thought was "I want that, but as a weird deep sea... Continue Reading →

Vacation Pictures!

I am back from my work and play in beautiful Hawaii. Tomorrow I'll show you my scarf progress, but for today I wanted to share some photos I took on my trip. I spent a week doing work stuff on Oahu, and then went to the big island to relax before coming home. Everything was... Continue Reading →

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